Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

Year 4 - Miss Davies

Thank you for taking time to visit our class page. I hope you find all of the information below useful.

Who is my child’s teacher?

Class Teacher – Miss Davies
Learning Support Assistants – Mrs Phillips

Year 4 is a fabulous place to be! Lessons are fun, memorable and everybody is welcome and cherished for who they are, we are a truly inclusive classroom. We make sure that all children are as happy and healthy as possible as we know that happy children make for the best learners. Mrs Grioli has a passion for making learning exciting and memorable so that all of her children are able to do their best every single day.

What time does school start and finish?

School starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm.
We have one morning break from 10:15-10:30 and lunch time is from 12:15-1:15pm.

When is school closed for holidays?

Please visit the term dates https://www.hindley.wigan.sch.uk/Term%20Dates.html section of our school website.

What will my child be learning this year?

This year, children will become fluent in their times tables up to 12 x 12. This will be done through regular practice, fun quizzes and the ever-popular songs and rhymes! Maths will also include fractions, decimals and learning to convert the time from 12 – 24 hour and back again.
In English, children will be learning more in-depth grammatical skills such as fronted adverbials, a range of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and to write in standard English (e.g. we were on holiday).

We have several, exciting trips and visitors in school in Year 4. We kick the school year off with a tour around Chester, dressing and acting as a Roman would’ve done. Then later in the year, we have fabulous Viking visitor that spends the whole school day with us. Finally, in the Summer term, we spend 2 days and 1 night at the Anderton Centre in Chorley where we face our fears and have the most fun with outdoor water sports and team building activities. More details will be given throughout the year and at the Meet the Teacher meeting on 14th
September 2023.
Take a look at the Year 4 Long Term Plan for 2023-2024


Long Term Plan


When does my child have PE?

Monday afternoon (swimming at Hindley Baths) and Tuesday afternoon (PE will take place both indoor and outdoor).
On Mondays, children should come to school in their full uniform and their swim kit including towel in a bag. Children will need to bring a waterproof coat as they will walk to the baths in all weathers. Children will need to be able to dress quickly and independently as the turnaround is on a tight schedule. If your child is not able to dress independently, please ensure that they practise at home and speak to a member of staff if they have any specific needs.
On Tuesdays, your child should come to school dressed in their PE kit and trainers. Please see the uniform page on our school website https://www.hindley.wigan.sch.uk/Uniform.html

What should my child bring to school each day?

All stationery will be provided by school. Children do not need to bring any pens or pencils into schools. Toys are not allowed to be brought into school from home.
A drinks bottle (with water already in) with their name on. If it’s sunny, your child should come to school with sun cream already applied and a sun hat. Please make sure that your child has a suitable coat for each day, particularly Monday when they will walk to the baths.


What homework will my child get?

Times tables and spellings will be set as homework each Monday.
Children will need to practise their spellings in their spelling books and hand in their times tables (written out on paper) each week.  Spellings will be based on the spelling rules that were taught the previous week in class. Other spellings may include commonly misspelled words and words from the Year 3 and 4 spelling list.
All children will need to learn their times tables up to 12 x 12 as in June 2024, they will sit the Year 4 Multiplication Check. Please see this website for more information.

This is a crucial part of Year 4 and therefore children will be asked to practise weekly. Help from families (parents, carers, older siblings etc.) in learning and memorising these is essential. Your child will need your help in learning these number facts.

Why is reading so important?

The importance of reading for children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health. Reading is the bedrock of all learning. It is my aim to get children reading for pleasure by any means necessary!
Our class author in Year 4 is J.K. Rowling. We will read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. We have a selection of her other books in class which children can choose to take home to read for pleasure.
For more information about reading, please visit our reading page on the school website https://www.hindley.wigan.sch.uk/reading.html
We expect that all children are reading 5 times each week to an adult or older sibling, and that this reading is logged in your child’s planner with the date and page number logged.


How will I receive updates and messages from school?

Class Dojo is used as the main line of communication throughout school, so please make sure that all parents/carers have a class dojo account set up and regularly check messages and updates. You can send direct messages to me via Dojo. If your query or question is short/urgent then please feel free to see me at the end of the school day outside Year 4 classroom.



Times tables Help






How do we do Maths


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